Astrological forecast for June 2010.

Unfortunately, we shouldn’t expect a calm summer. Planetary influences won’t let us get bored. In June the cycles will be laid to be fully developed in July. There are two events most important from an astrological point of view: Uranus-Jupiter conjunction which might start serious changes in governmental structures as well as in ideological and religious opinions, and a partial lunar eclipse on June 26th. This lunar eclipse has negative energy and can bring difficulties on an emotional level to many people. We might feel anxiety, fears and even aggression. This eclipse will affect people with mental problems and the drug addicted especially hard.
June 4 is an emotionally difficult day. It is better not to make any decisions on this day because our clear vision may be foggy with illusions which we cling to with fanatic stubbornness. Alcohol is contra-indicated in this day.
June 7 – 9 will be marked with Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in the first degree of Aries (the beginning of the Zodiac circle). This degree also has a meaning of paying karmic debts. Here it will work mostly on the level of whole nations, not individuals. On the financial plan this transit might give either big spontaneous winnings or significant unexpected loss. A lot of lies and strange things will surface. This is also a beginning of changes in financial and governmental structures which will continue till the end of the year.
June 14 – 16 are excellent days for love and business activity. However, it is also an unfavorable time for people inclined to self-delusion and bad habits: it is easier in these days to turn to the way of personal degradation. It is better to exclude meditations, seeing psychics and so on during these three days.
June 21 – 27 will be in general tense days because of the above-mentioned lunar eclipse and additional planetary influences. We may expect problems in relations, difficulties in communication and with documents, and emotional stress.

Forecast for Zodiac signs

This is still a very active month, sometimes too active. The last ten days of June will be the most intense.
Aries’ born on March 20 – 21 might have unexpected career changes. The effect will be earth-shattering in the beginning, but then you’ll discover that what happens, happens for the better. Some of these Aries can even get big winnings.

June will be very different for various representatives of this sign, although positive for the majority.
However, Taurus’ born on May 19 – 20 may find themselves in a difficult situation in the beginning of the month. Try to refrain from your innate stubbornness; don’t cling to your fixed ideas: they might bring you to a dead end. There is a big possibility to become a victim of illusions or direct deception. Be careful with food and drinks: danger of poisoning increases.

June is in general a successful month for you, especially its first half. There is a lot of socializing, parties, visiting friends.
Geminis born on May 21 -22 might get brilliant ideas about work, business or travelling. You just need not to forget about realizing those ideas.

Many Cancers celebrate their birthday. Congratulations!
Unfortunately, June (and birthday as well) will bring a lot of stress to some representatives of this sign.
Cancers born on June 25 – 26 will fully feel the influence of the lunar eclipse. It is better to postpone the celebration, because you might be not in the best mood. The entire year following the birthday could be pretty karmic when little depends on your action.
Cancers born on June 21 – 22 may have unpleasant surprises at work (or schools).

Everything is going differently here as well. A sphere of love and relationships will be the most important for many Leos.
However, for those who were born on July 22 – 23 a focus will switch to the career/business area, where they will receive wonderful opportunities. Don’t miss your lucky chance.
Leos born on August 21 – 22 shouldn’t expect this kind of chance. Be careful in making decisions in the middle of June: there is a big possibility of false information and deception. Danger of poisoning also increases.

This is an active and positive in general month for you. A work situation will be better in the second half of June.
Virgos born on September 20 – 22 again will have a necessity to think through their life goals in depth and ask a question: Maybe it makes sense to get rid of useless ballast?

June isn’t a very calm month: rest isn’t expected.
A lot of stress might wait for Libras born on September 23 – 24. There could be disappointments, false hopes and unfulfilled promises. The situation will be especially difficult in a career sphere. Take care of your health, particularly those who suffer blood vessel problems.

June is a pretty positive month for the majority of this sign. However, for some people this is the time of self-delusion and deception.
Scorpios born on November 20 – 21 might have to deal with hidden enemies intrigues. Your subconscious reactions are very strong in this time: avoid taking unreasonable actions. Alcohol and drugs should be also avoided. Joining a spiritual or esoteric group might be not a good idea in this month: your choice may be wrong. It is better not to travel on water. Danger of poisoning is up.

A turbulent month for you: a lot of struggle and confrontation. However, in the love sphere everything is going fine.
Sagittarius’ born in the very beginning of the sign (November 22 – 23) can consider themselves lucky ones. A big winning (even in lottery) may fall in your lot. Excellent opportunities in a business/finance sphere are also waiting for you. It is better to act spontaneously; just to catch a proper moment.

An uneven month for you: its beginnsing is better than the end.
The lunar eclipse might influence Capricorns born on December 25 – 26 a lot. In the end of June there might be heavy burdens, emotional stress and a wish to hide from everybody.
Capricorns born on December 21 – 22 also are not very lucky: there are possible troubles in the work and financial spheres. Refrain from adventures.

The majority of you are in a pretty good mood in spite of possible conflicts in relationships.
Aquarius’ born on February 16 – 18 in the middle of June may get into the period of despair, anxiety and loss of self-confidence. The possibility of deception and self-delusion is high.
Aquarius’ born on January 20 – 21, on the contrary, will get chances of career growth and improvement of the money situation.

A good month in general. However, February Pisces will mostly work, and March Pisces mostly rest. If you plan to change something in a work area, it is better to do that in the beginning of the month.
Pisces born on February 19 – 20 might be in a stage of instability and confusion because they are unsure about their choices. Use 100% of your diplomatic abilities to turn the situation into your favour.