Astrological forecast for
November 2008.

November can be a very meaningful month for many people. There are a lot of serious planetary influences.
The beginning of the month will be very intense. A lot of negative energy and no stability.
3-4 of November might destroy relationships which seemed totally stable. We may see shocking, unexpected things in the stock market. A serious financial loss is possible. Americans couldn’t have chosen a worse day for their election even if they tried hard. Planetary influences for this day are very bad. Surprises in the election are expected. Unlikely that the election will be held in a calm atmosphere: hysteric outbursts are probable. And not only in the States: in other parts of the world aggression, based on religious differences, might emerge (especially concerning Muslim countries).
On November the 5th people may expect a general low level of energy, and on the 6th also problems in a love sphere (don’t make rash decisions: you might follow deceitful ideas).
There is a big possibility of deception on the 12th, 13th and 17th of November, and on the 12th there is also danger from car accidents.
It looks like in the first half of the month the world will shake with fever. It will be difficult to get any reliable information; there are mostly gossips and rumors.
Closer to the 20th the situation becomes stabilized. For many people November 20-22 will be positive days (in a financial sphere as well), but mostly for good strategists who thought everything over in advance.
November 28th is a day for active social life.
The 29th and the 30th are excellent days for love relations and for improving money situations.

Forecast for Zodiac signs


The general world shocks will not touch you. November is expected to be a rather good month. The last 10 days of November will be just wonderful. However, for the love sphere the first half of the month will be more positive than the second one.

This is a pretty uneasy month for you and very different for different representatives of the sign. Some Taurus’ may lose a lot, but others might gain a lot. For example…
Taurus’ born on May 2-3 should be attentive to their health in the first 10 days of the month: your energy level is very low. Don’t overstrain.
For Taurus’ born on May 11-12 the first 10 days of the month can be traumatic, especially from fire and boiling water. Poisoning also can’t be excluded. You shouldn’t turn your illusions into fixed ideas, and follow them fanatically.
Taurus’ born on May 9th and 10th , and first half of the 11th , might be very lucky in the second half of November. You can expect a promotion at work and/or success in business.

This is not an easy month for you. If things are going well in one sphere, they are getting worse in another one. No balance at all.
Life might be especially difficult in the first half of November for Geminis born on June 8-10. A lot of shocking situations and instability. If you are planning to go mountain climbing or down-hill skiing it is better to postpone the trip. Be careful with heights.

Life is going not bad at all for you. You might still not get along very well with your bosses but in other areas the situation looks very promising. In the first half of the month you are on the rise, ready for great achievements. In the second half of November there is a possibility that you will have to take care of personal relationships.

This month is good in general, although not so active as the previous one. It looks like it is time to take a rest.
Leos born on August 13-14 should think 10 times before making any decisions. In the first half of November there is a big chance of making a mistake if you are actively following wrong ideas. Also there is a danger of poisoning. Be careful with alcohol in this period of time.

Not the best month in your life. There is a possibility of problems in a love sphere and financial loss in the first half of November. Especially this concerns Virgos born on September 10-12. Your system of life values will be tested for durability. The main reason for stress might be the necessity of changes and the impossibility of making them. This is a very bad time for flying. Those who suffer from diseases of cardiovascular and bone systems should take care of their health.
In the second half of the month the situation will change for the better, and you will forget about troubles.

Storms which flash by other people’s heads will not touch you. November is a positive and even month for you. This is time to take care of yourselves: diet, exercise, walks and other components of a healthy life style will be beneficial.


Happy birthday! Obviously, you will celebrate it in a big party with a lot of fun. November will be different for different Scorpios.
For those who were born on October 26-28 enjoying themselves might be difficult in the first 10 days of the month. First of all, because of no energy, and, secondly, because people make too high demands to you.
For Scorpios born on November 10-13 the second half of the month will be very productive. Don’t miss the opportunities for career growth and improving your money situation.


The second half of November will be good; in the first half there might be an energy slump.
The love life of Sagittarius’ born on December 20-22 will bring them a lot of excitement, especially around November 11-12.
Sagittarius’ born on December 9-12 should be very careful in the first 10 days of November. There is a danger from heights, electricity and falling objects. Also there is a possibility of sudden breakups of relations which seemed pretty stable. Don’t make any serious decision in this time: there is no solid ground under your feet.


This is a wonderful month for you. You are the only sign which really has good luck in this month.
Capricorns born on January 10-14 just attract good luck. The last 10 days of November may be very profitable for you. There are excellent opportunities for business owners. You can get up to a new, much higher level. In a love sphere everything is great as well.

This is a pretty calm month, not very remarkable. In the sphere of romantic relations everything is going well, in relationships with relatives and children – in different ways.
Aquarius’ born on November 9-11 might easily follow illusions. You will need more common sense. Careful with alcohol.


This month is uneven: somewhere successful, somewhere not. In general, you pass tests with honour.
However, Pisces’ born on March 8-10 may have difficulties in the beginning of the month. There are a lot of freedom limitations, instability and feelings of loneliness. Don’t do silly things you will regret later. Just wait it out; this hard time will not last long.