Astrological forecast for October 2008.

Because planet Mercury will stay retrograde till October 16th it is not recommended to begin new undertakings in this period in order to avoid delays and obstacles. It is OK to resume old business.
The 4th and the 5th of October might bring problems with computers and electrical appliances. This is not a good time for flying.
On the 7th and the 10th troubles in a love sphere are possible, including deception.
On the opposite, October 9th is a favorable day for romantic relationships. Even love at first sight is possible.
The 15th may be an emotionally hard day.
If you are eager for changes, it is better to start them on the 20-21 and the 30-31 of October.
The 25-27 are traumatic days. There is a danger from sharp objects. Outbursts of aggression are probable.
To the end of month tension will rise, but troubles will be seen fully in the beginning of November.
The election in Canada on October 14th will be held in a calm atmosphere despite the full moon. In the USA the election situation will be much worse but we will talk about that in the next forecast.

Forecast for Zodiac signs

October might bring you conflicts with people but they are not going to be serious. Try to hold in your hot-temper when you are in the position of proving that you are right. In the love sphere (but not a professional one) everything, in general, is going pretty well.

This is an uneven month. In career/financial areas everything still looks excellent. However, spheres of health and love are not so perfect.
Taurus’ born on May 4-6 should be careful in the last ten days of October. Don’t respond to provocations, no matter how serious they are. Be cautious with sharp objects and transportation. There is a possibility of hard-to-diagnose illnesses in acute condition.

For many Geminis this month will be quite comfortable, good for relaxation.
However, those who were born on June 8-10 are an exception. Life may bring you a lot of unpleasant surprises. You might face some totally ridiculous situations. The beginning of October is expected to be more negative.

This is not a very calm month for you, especially its first half, although in the love sphere everything is peaceful and calm. It is good to spend time taking care of your home: to do a small renovation or prepare your garden for the winter. You don’t need a lot of social life in October.

This month is very active, but don’t be over-diligent. Don’t try to prove at any cost that your opinion is the best, especially if your opponent is as stubborn as you. There is a possibility of illusions and deceptions. In the area of relations the second half of the month will be more conflict-free.

For most Virgos this is a good month. Especially nice for your bank account, but not only that. Real-estate, shopping, entertainment and visiting friends are also nice activities.
However, Virgos born on September 11-12 are an exception. Unexpected changes for the worse might happen. Be very cautious with electrical appliances. Flying is not recommended. If you have problems with blood vessels it is good to take preventive measures.

The month of your birthday promises to please you. Your energy is on a high level; your mind creates brilliant ideas – you need just to realize them. However, for impressive success in your career you will have to wait till the year of the Rat is over. A year of the Bull will be more favorable.

Finally, life begins giving you prominent opportunities. However, in the first half of October your energy level may be quite low. Nevertheless, you will try hard to be active and win certain positions, and, in general, successfully.
Scorpios born on November 6-7 should be careful in the last 10 days of October. This could be a traumatic time for you, especially from sharp objects, fire and weapons. Surgery can’t be excluded as well.

Overall this is a pretty good month for you. For the majority of Sags life flows smoothly and calmly. But at the end of the month you might start feeling a vague anxiety: something isn’t going right. You may have an impression that usual, stable things begin to stagger and crackle.
If they meant to fall apart it will possibly happen in the beginning of November.

This is a very good month for you, especially it’s second half. Success and stability at work. No surprises at home either. In the first half of October your health might be a bit weaker but no serious ailments are expected.

In your urge towards independence and freedom you might go too far. Conflicts with people are very probable, including very close people. Your partner needs stability and commitment in your relationship, but you are not in a hurry to provide them.

This month doesn’t promise to be easy, although for some Pisces life will be pleasant and peaceful.
However, for Pisces born on March 8-10 life is full of surprises. Some of them you cause yourselves. There is no stability in life, and you probably are getting tired of this, but this period of changes will last a couple more months.