My price list


Personal horoscope Includes calculation of a natal chart, rectification of birth time, description of your character, the strong and weak sides of the personality, capabilities and talents, your life’s path, a general description of life events with reference to significant dates, and answers to questions regarding family, love, career, money, etc. $ 130
Karma of past lives and karmic tasks The evolutionary path. Dark and light karma of past lives. The measure of fate in a natal chart. + $ 30 to a personal horoscope
Detailed personal forecast for a year This allows you to plan your activity correctly, to rationalize the use of your inner power, and also to prepare for the unexpected turning points of your life. $ 130
Medical horoscope Precise diagnostics and the best methods for treatment. Ascertaining the cause of ailments. $ 120
Astrogeography Selecting the best place for living, business, career, vacation and love. + $ 30
Career-guidance Help with choices for the most successful occupation, for children and adults, based on natural abilities and the ways to their realization given by destiny. + $ 35 or
$ 80 (without a personal horoscope)
Astromineralogy Ascertaining which stones and metals are helpful or harmful for you. + $ 20
Compatibility of partners for love, marriage, or for business Description of the relationship, the positive and negative sides of the interaction, as well as the optimal models for behaviour with each other. Consultation is more effective with the presence of both partners (not mandatory). $ 100
Determination of the best time to start a business or other ventures Taking cosmic rhythms into consideration is a necessary part of success. For such things as company registration, signing of important contracts, weddings, etc. $ 50
Determination of the best time for a child’s conception A half year schedule taking into consideration the preferred gender of the child. $ 70


Tarot card reading Answers to any questions for a certain period. Advice for choosing the right approach. $ 50/hour


Healing. Cleansing of aura Energy healing. Deletion of negative energy influence. Raising the energy level. $ 50/hour
Cleansing of the apartment, house, office In addition to energy cleansing, I will put invisible protection on your dwelling that will allow you to be there in peace and comfort. from $ 100
Help with pain in the back, bones, joints and muscles
Combined method which includes energy healing, aromatherapy massage with special oils, and my unique clay treatment. Immediate result. $ 60/hour

Classes with Thaya - Spring 2010

Through the Vancouver School Board.

Astrology of relationships.
3 sessions, 3 hours each. Starts on April 14th.

You will learn how to understand yourself and your partner better, how to appreciate your differences and how to use astrological knowledge to create a stable and joyful relationship. This course will cover the influence of Zodiac signs, planets and elements on relationships. Every student will be given a personal natal chart.

Contact the Vancouver School Board at or 604-713-4550.

Contact Thaya at or 604-274-6921.

"Copyright © 2003, Thaya"